The iKnow by iCount Method® Pink Edition, Teacher’s Edition clearly and methodically follows each chapter of the math book. The iKnow by The iCount Method® series was written for those schools that have less scheduled time for math and/or the students are not as proficient in English and need an easier version. All the necessary skills taught in The iCount Method® version are also found in the iKnow by The iCount Method® so that the students will enter first grade with all the complete tools to achieve success. The iKnow by iCount Method® Pink Edition gives students a strong foundation of numbers and number sense. Each lesson in the teacher’s guide assists the teacher in preparing and explaining the lesson. It is a continuous training session for each teacher. It instructs teachers precisely how to teach students numbers 0-10, comparing and using numbers 0-10, positions and patterns, sorting, shapes, fractions, measurements, time, and money. Each skill is presented with activity pages, related manipulatives, assessments, and detailed instruction on how to teach each skill from concrete to semi-concrete to abstract.
Miss K., teacher –
The formatting and graphics of the iKnow books are second to none. Mathematical concepts are so clearly visually defined for students with the help of this book.